Southern Garden by Ashley May


Southern Garden is a 4″x6″ collage of post cards mounted on an 8″x10″ mat board.

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Ashley May is a painter and collage artist who first worked with Recession Art during the Inaugural in 2009 and has since been featured in the Recession Art store. In her recent collage work, we see her using multiples of the same vintage post cards of landscapes, using the copies to create mirrored images as well as other psychedelic effects when positioned together. Her reassembling of these images in combination with their retro vibe make one think of analog video effects from the images’ same period, but caught in still. With this sense of Video Jockey set freeze-framed it feels as if we are looking at a crystallized moment of transfiguration between two or more landscapes. May’s work makes us feel like we are walking effortlessly through one moment in space and time to the next far off location as she guides us through her kaleidoscope tour of earth.

Southern Garden is a 4″x6″ collage of post cards mounted on an 8″x10″ mat board.