Taking Stock: Six Artists From the First Three Years of Recession Art


Taking Stock is Recession Art’s first publication, a catalog of six Featured Artists: Megan Berk, Gabriela Vainsencher, Tate Foley, Jennifer Mills, Ian Trask, and Danny Ghitis.


Taking Stock is Recession Art’s first publication, a catalog of six Featured Artists.  It includes images of new work from Megan Berk, Gabriela Vainsencher, Tate Foley, Jennifer Mills, Ian Trask, and Danny Ghitis, as well as essays by Allison Meier.  In addition, Founder and Executive Director Emma Katz and Curator Risa Shoup discuss the beginnings of Recession Art and the organization’s first three years of connecting emerging artists and aspiring collectors.

Additional information

Weight 1 lbs
Dimensions 14 × 10 × .5 in


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